Are you a business wanting to up-scale?
Do you want to align the values of your employees or become a better leader?
Let me introduce you to Paula Dunn of No Limits Consulting. Paula is a certified coach with degrees in Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons) and Masters of Science (Hons). She’s also a Hypnotherapist and Behavioural Profile Consultant. I found Paula to be concise and methodical, given her career background, it’s no surprise.
The process with Paula
Paula mostly works with a diagnostic system, Fingerprint for Success, a simple 15 minute questionnaire that once answered, generates a report on factors that motivate you in life and work. Research has found significant differences between the attitudes of successful entrepreneurs and business owners when compared to the rest of the working population.

“Your motivations create your behavior” – Paula Dunn
By knowing what motivates you and what doesn’t, you can see where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and how these may be holding you back from success. Fingerprint for success lists 48 motivators and then ranks you against the “average” person.
Once Paula had analysed my results, we then spent 2 hours together (over Skype) discussing and mapping out how motivated you are by certain factors such as power, money, procedures, achievement and consistency.
My motivators:
Working in a solo environment
Sameness (I’m a creature of habit!)
Period of time (to think about my options and make an informed decision)
I’m least motivated by:
Past (I’m more focussed on the present and the future)
Shared responsibility (CONTROL FREAK!!!)
Alternatives (again, stuck in my ways)
My motivators indicated I’m most suited to an entrepreneurial career as opposed to being in a larger organisation.
What I learned about my motivators and how they may affect my business…
Ultimately, most of what Paula highlighted about my personality were things I already knew. However sometimes, it takes an outsider to point something out to make you really sit up and take notice. I’ve always known I’m a perfectionist who can be a bit of a control freak at times, but Paula pointed out how that could be holding me back from expanding my business and achieving my goals for She Does This.
One week later, Paula and I had a 1 hour strategy session. The focus was to rewire my brain into accepting new ways of doing things and accepting that perfection isn’t always achievable. Instead of seeing this as a negative, Paula encouraged me to look at it as an evolution.
Paula helped me realise that I need to relinquish some control and be more open to exploring new ways of doing things. What I loved most about Paula’s coaching is that she doesn’t just TELL you what you need to do. She gives you practical advice and ways for going about change.
Paula is so down to earth and gentle in her approach, I really felt like I could open up to her and really delve deeper as to why I am the way I am.
Other services offered by Paula:
Keynote/speaking workshops
Team building/workshops/peer-to-peer coaching for organisations
Pre-marriage/relationship coaching/getting on the same page as your partner
Anyone wanting to become a better communicator
I can absolutely recommend Paula Dunn and her services. I learned so much about myself in just two sessions which will have a lasting impact on my business moving forward.
