It's always a thrill as a freelancer to pick up a new contract or client.
But when you're about to take on a new project, there’s a lot of pressure on you and your team.
It's all in the preparation!
The way in which you approach the project will dictate how it all turns out in the end.
So read on find out how to approach it all in the right way.
Set Your Goals Clearly
Before you do anything else, you should try to set your aims and make them as clear as they possibly can be. What do you want to achieve with this project? How do you want all this to turn out and look by the end of the process? These are the kinds of things that you should be thinking about before you get going with the start of your project.
Train Your Employees Ahead of a Big Project
Don't be afraid to hire or outsource help if you think it's required. There are plenty of project management training classes that you can make the most of and your team will really benefit from them. It’s an investment that will help the outcomes of your project, so go for it if you think it’s necessary.
Identify Potential Hazards
There are plenty of things that can go wrong for you when you’re trying to take on a big project with your business. By planning for the things that are could go wrong, you'll be able to make sure that they don’t derail your plans and make life harder for you than is necessary. You’ll be able to mitigate those hazards and become ready for them.
Learn From Past Mistakes
If you’ve undertaken these kinds of projects in the past, it’s definitely worth thinking about what you can learn from what happened last time around. We all get things wrong when we’re starting out, so by learning from your mistakes, you will be able to improve and ensure you don’t make the same mistakes over and over again. It’s a way to ensure continual improvements and can minimise seriously stressful situations for you as a business owner!
Don’t Overpromise or Underestimate the Scale of the Challenge
Completing a project for a client means having to juggle expectations and keep people happy. It’s not always easy to do that and you will only make your task more difficult if you make the mistake of promising too much to people.
As a rule of thumb, under promise and over deliver!