TV host & sports presenter, Erin Holland shares 5 ways she lifts her mood.
1) Dancing
I love to dance. I grew up as a jazz and tap dancer, and I danced at a decent level until I was 21.
While I don’t dance professionally anymore, I have started dancing again as a quick workout to
lift my mood! I recently created a super easy dance workout which you can find on my Instagram. While you might feel a bit silly at first, I really think that busting out a few dance moves to your favourite songs will put a smile on your face. Give it a go and see how you feel for the day!
2) Routine
Having a healthy routine is really important to me and it’s something that I am always working
on and evolving to fit my lifestyle. I find that my mood suffers when I fall out of routine as I forget to do the little things that make me feel good inside and out. I am really busy with work at the moment so I have to ensure that my daily routine is quick and simple enough for me to actually do every day! As you know, I love doing a quick dance so that is one step of my uplifting routine and another is ensuring I include a healthy snack in-between jobs to keep up my energy levels. When I get tired and hungry, my mood drops so quickly! I love eating a Zespri™ SunGold™ Kiwifruit when I have a moment because it is so easy to eat and has 100% of my daily vitamin C requirement, so at least I know I have ticked that box for the day!
New research from Zespri™ found that almost 70% of Aussies say they are ready and willing to make changes to their routine to improve their health, and I think my biggest tip is to keep it quick and simple so
that it is achievable in the long term.
3) Mix it up & make it fun!
I truly believe that having fun and being healthy don’t have to be mutually exclusive. If I am not enjoying something, chances are I won’t stick to it for long! To keep myself motivated, I love to mix it up by trying a different workout class or cooking a new healthy recipe because it feels fun and fresh. If you make an effort to try new things when you are in a rut or find healthy activities that you actually enjoy, chances are that it is not only going to have a positive impact on your physical health, but also have lots of benefits on your emotional wellbeing as well. Personally, I think there is no feeling quite as good as when you try something for the first time and really enjoy it!
4) Treat yourself
Denying yourself the things that you love won’t work in the long run. I truly believe that it is important for everyone to treat themselves once in a while, whatever that may look like to you! I have the sweetest tooth so I love having the occasional dessert. Life is all about balance, and I find that enjoying everything in moderation really works to keep me on track with my health and nutrition in the long term. If there is something you are struggling to give up, perhaps cutting it out isn’t the answer. Instead, let yourself enjoy it occasionally and then you may not crave it as regularly. In saying that, it is also great to find healthy alternatives to your favourite treats which you can enjoy more often.
I recently started making yoghurt parfaits with Zespri™ SunGold™ Kiwifruit, and while I still love ice cream as a treat, it is something I can eat every day to satisfy my sweet tooth while keeping a balanced diet.
5) Find your happy things...Or people
Prioritising the things that make you happy is definitely the ultimate way to lift your mood. I think the first step is to spend time learning what you enjoy and what helps you feel good, and then finding the time to do it regularly. Personally, I find that spending time with loved ones like my husband and my family is one of the things that brings me the most joy.
While we are all so busy with our day to day lives, it is so important to slow down and focus on what matters the most.