Many may think taking a break from alcohol can be difficult or a challenge that's too hard to complete.

But it's easier than you think!
Taking part in challenges such as Dry July allows you to experience numerous positive health benefits whilst raising much-needed funds for those affected by cancer.
Dietitian and Dry July Foundation Ambassador, Chloe McLeod, shares the health benefits of consuming less alcohol.
1: You’ll have a supported immune system
Keeping your immune system strong and healthy is particularly important during the cooler months. When consuming alcohol you will find your immune system weakens, making it harder for the body to fight off infections and illnesses due to your weakened white blood cells. When you decrease your alcohol intake and also start on a healthy and nutritious diet, you will essentially strengthen and support your immune system to enable it to fight bacteria and infections easier. Having a supported immune system allows you to stay healthy and decreases the chances of catching any illnesses.
2: Hydration levels increase
Alcohol is a diuretic meaning your body will secrete and lose more– yes, that deep red shiraz can impact your hydration levels. A lack of hydration can affect your skin, concentration and energy, which is why you may feel less efficient at a workout session the day after a few drinks. Consuming less alcohol can easily raise your hydration levels, resulting in more energy and increased focus throughout the day.
3: Weight Loss
This is one everyone knows - consuming less alcohol will help you keep your weight in check. Consistent alcohol consumption can cause gain weight which can result in further health issues down the track. Lowering your alcohol intake will assist in keeping your belt notches further away from the hook.
4: Your memory will improve
Memory impairments are seen even with a couple a drink that you may think will have no effect at all, but these can continue to damage the memory function as you continue to increase your alcohol consumption. Taking a break from booze can help repair or reverse damage to your brain and memory functions, improving your attention span.
It’s not too late to sign up for a Dry July and start feeling the health benefits. You can sign up for 31, 21 or 14 days dry at
Need some inspiration in the form of a mocktail?
The Quick Kiwi, by The Mindful Mocktail, is packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, and perfect for both adults and kids!

3 Kiwi Fruit, peeled and quartered
Juice of one lime
8-10 mint leaves
Sparkling water or kombucha
Place kiwi fruit, lime juice and mint leaves in a high spend blender.
Blend until smooth.
Divide between 2 ice filled glasses and top with sparkling water or kombucha.
Stir to combine.
To decorate the glasses: Peel kiwi fruit, then cut into thin slices. Press gently onto the inside of the glass