So many of us struggle leaving work AT work. We often bring the stress and tension home with us which can effect our personal lives and relationships.
Justine Alter, Psychologist and co-founder of Transitioning Well spoke with It's All Her about drawing the line between work and home life.

Feeling pressure at work is all too common these days. What are some of the particular reasons people feel stressed in the workplace?
There are so many factors that can contribute to workplace stress. It’s a lot harder for people to ‘switch off’ from work when the clock strikes 5. Most of the time we carry our mobiles everywhere with us, meaning people know they can always reach us and it can lead to a certain type of pressure to respond to work enquires at home, or on our weekends.
Job hours, increased client expectations, globalisation of markets and job security can also cause added levels of stress at work, as can a person’s circumstances outside of the workplace.
Single parents, new parents, carers, aged workers and those who are people who are sick or injured all enter the workplace with added pressures that can contribute to stress.

What are the effects on our mental health when we bring this stress and tension home with us? What kind of pressure can it place on other areas of our life?
The costs of work-life conflict are high to society, organisations and individuals. In fact, the home-work interface (conflicting demands of work and home, low support at home, problems relating to both partners being in the labour force – dual career) has been identified as one of the 10 psychosocial hazards of the workplace (EU-OSHA, 2012). As an individual there are numerous parts of our lives that can be impacted by bringing this stress home with us, including, poor physical and mental health, greater family stress,
deterioration of lifestyle practices (food, exercise, etc.) and relationship breakdowns.
Bringing stress home with you can also effect your personal fulfillment, personal advancement and can even lower family, parent or marital life satisfaction.
What are some techniques we can use for leaving work AT WORK and being more present in our home/personal lives?
1. Get clear with your boundaries
2. Have the conversation around what are your non-negotiables- ask don’t assume
3. Create the space ie. a transition gap to reflect and reset between work and home
4. Trust in external support mechanisms - Active lists, calendars, schedules, time block and know the difference between what is urgent versus what is important. Prioritise!!!
5. Move from a space of work/life conflict to a mindset of work/life integration
6. Connection with people, focused attention
7. Self advocacy- know how to fill our own cups and care for ourselves

For some, the stress of work may be all too consuming. Where should we be drawing the line? Is there a point where enough is enough?
“We can bemoan the blending of our professional and personal lives, or alternatively we can look for innovative solutions” - Ron Friedman.
Drawing a line in the sand is vital and this starts with getting clear with your boundaries and communicating when they have been crossed. It’s so important to know your values – build a lighthouse that reflects these.
How can Transitioning Well help? Where can we find more information on your services?
We run Work/Life Transition Tactics workshops and can help you and your business navigate these types of situations and much more.
For further information, please visit, email, or call 1300824808