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  • Writer's pictureSusie Burrell

Leading nutritionist, Susie Burrell talks about developing healthier drinking habits

January is often full of New Year’s resolutions and promises of ‘being a better you’. Many of us resolve to be fitter, take up a new hobby or just become a healthier version of ourselves.

To become healthier, we not only have to address our eating habits and exercise regime, but our alcohol consumption too.

One of Australia’s leading nutritionists, Susie Burrell shares 5 tips on being a smarter drinker in 2020

1) To keep your calorie intake controlled look for clear spirits with low calorie mixers such as gin and tonic or vodka and soda - a growing range of UDL's are now available such as & Vodka Soda which contain No Added Sugar and minimal calories. Plus sticking to clear spirits will help to minimise the potential effects of a hangover.

2) Sip slowly - ideally a drink should last 30-40 minutes and if you are out for a long day alternate each alcoholic drink with soda water and lime to keep your overall calorie and alcohol intake controlled.

crafters union rose
Crafters Union cans are a compromise to consuming a whole bottle!

3) If wine is your thing, and you enjoy nothing more than a glass or two at the end of each day, keep in mind there is a growing range of lower alcohol options.

BWS stock Crafter's Union with lower alcohol varieties of Rose, Sav Blanc and Pinot Gris, while Brown Brothers offer a Refreshing Pinot Gris and Sav Blanc with 9% alcohol compared to 12% in regular wine. 

4) While ciders and pre-mixed drinks can contain as much as 30g of sugars per serve, look out for lower sugar versions of your favourite sweet drinks which can have up to 50% less sugar and even added pro-biotics to some mixes - look out for Quincy Sparkling Seltzer and Dirty Bucha of Byron Bay which both at BWS and both with much less sugar than traditional mixed drinks.

5) To keep an eye on exactly how much you are drinking try and finish each drink before you refill. This will allow you to monitor your total intake and also help you to pace especially when you are at a long event where drinks will be served freely over several hours. 


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