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How to find the perfect job and nail the interiew

jordy lucas

Job search site, Indeed recently undertook a detailed study on job hunters in Australia.

She Does This was lucky enough to be invited along to the beautiful QT hotel in Melbourne as Indeed's Job Whisperer and business woman, Ruby Lee delivered the findings.

What I found most intriguing was how many job seekers felt they weren't able to find a perfect fit for them job wise, or if they were, they felt ill prepared for the interview.

So I spoke with Ruby to get her insights and best advice for finding your DREAM job and NAILING the interview.

SDT: Why do you think so many Australians are struggling to find the 'perfect job'?

RUBY: Ah, that elusive perfect job - just like the perfect relationship, the perfect job doesn’t exist but our ideal one does. By that I mean, a job that provides all the things we want, while challenging us enough to ensure we stay engaged.

That said, I believe there are a combination of factors for why we struggle to find our ideal job but three key reasons are:

1. We don’t actually know what we’re looking for

2. We don’t know where to start looking

3. We aren’t talking about it with enough people

My tip would be to try multiple job sites, research and speak to your network to expand your search. Start talking to others in your network about your career aspirations. The more you’re able to articulate what you want, the better clarity you’ll have in your job hunt.

Ruby Lee speaking about business

SDT: Gen Y and Millennial's mostly turn to the internet to search for work, what are your top tips for performing the best search possible?

RUBY: It’s not surprising these generations are more likely to use the internet. I myself found my last three jobs through social media!

To optimise your search:

● Use more than one source for job opportunities. As I mentioned before, we need to broaden our job search. So if you can’t find a job you like at one job site, try another.

● Don’t just search by Position or Job Title. Employers are using fancier job titles which you don’t necessarily tie in with the tasks. So use different search fields, use keywords. Particularly if you want to change industries. When my husband wanted to change industries, he would just search with the qualification “MBA” and see what came up.

● Use social media. The last recruitment role I was in I found through social media. It was an obscure little tweet on Twitter saying something like “We’re hiring so we need help hiring”. I followed the links and a couple of weeks later I was with a new employer.

● Go direct to your favourite employer. Most have career pages that you can submit your interest with.

● Then there’s the fact a lot of jobs aren’t advertised. They're offered or recommended to candidates offline. That’s why networking is so important, introduce yourself to new people and stay in contact with soul-aligned people i.e people who would be fun to work with.

business documents on table

SDT: It can often feel like you're a very small fish in a huge sea of candidates, what are your tips for having a resume that sets you apart from the rest?

RUBY: If you want a resume that stands out, write a kick-ass Cover Letter! This is often your first impression, so it’s your chance to inject your personality into it. Avoid the generic blurbs and let your personality shine through. If the potential employer is turned off by this then you wouldn’t have been a good fit for them anyway.

My advice to set your resume apart is:

● Keep it under 3 pages.

● Avoid industry jargon.

● Include your key achievements in each role.

● Only list the roles you did in the last 10 years.

When it comes to interviewing, focus on the relationship with the recruiter, not your resume. Even though it’s tempting to get your resume in front of anyone who will take it so you can show off your skills, you should concentrate on relationships to make a better impression that is more memorable than your previous work experience will by itself. Present yourself as someone who is likeable before you show your professional skills.

SDT: Incredibly, only 49% of Australians say they've felt truly prepared for a job interview. How can we best prepare ourselves and combat those nerves that so often creep in?

RUBY: It’s natural to feel nervous for a job interview. Ensure you do some research on your potential employer. Look at their website, see if they are in the news, etc. You don’t need to know the complete history but a bit of information will be useful in the interview.

Employers want to know what value you can add to their organisation. So when this is asked don’t be bashful. Confidently talk about your abilities and how you can benefit the company.

Also remember that you're interviewing the potential employer as much as they are interviewing you. You need to assess that they are a good cultural fit for you, what you can learn, achieve, etc. We found that 41% of job hunters already do this, taking the job interview process as an opportunity to get to know the employer, while the same percentage thought it was an opportunity to get to know the person they would be reporting to.

business documents

SDT: If we're struggling in the interview process, what tools are available to us?

RUBY: Job interviewing is a skill that can improve as you practice. Practising your answers will go a long way. Indeed have some fantastic resources to help you with interview tips too so don’t forget to check it out at

Be mindful of your body language too. Sit up straight, no slouching, don’t cross your arms, have open body language and ALWAYS smile. A smile will relax you so think happy thoughts and visualise that you’ve already nailed the job interview.

I know this will be easier said than done but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just be

your amazing authentic self. You can also put your time towards networking! You can meet helpful contacts from recruiters like

SDT: Finally, I know you're a huge supporter of females in business and side hustlers, can you give us the low-down on YOUR business?!

RUBY: I was a side hustler for 3 years, writing resumes and providing career advice whilst working my recruiter day job. At first, I did it for fun and quench my small entrepreneurial thirst, but as my side hustle gained momentum, I realised I had a real life business.

Earlier this year I quit my full time job and went all in. It was at this time that I decided to focus my services on other side hustlers and helping them balance it with their careers.

The best part about my work is that I'm building a tribe of hustlers who are looking to create freedom and choices in their life. It's so rewarding having a community that cheers each other on.

The side hustle is not for everyone but with the internet and easy tech platforms, you can

literally start a business in a couple of hours and start marketing to people all around the world. I also run workshops that teach employers how they can enhance their employer brand by utilising their employees personal brand.

ruby lee business coach

Plus! I get to work with amazing brands like Indeed to show my community how they can improve their prospects as well. For some, the ideal job is the one that is their sole focus, for others its the job that allows them to build their side hustle at the same time.

Feel free to check me out at or hang out with me on Instagram @_rubylee_


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