We all know recycling is important, in fact recent research from Nestlé revealed that two thirds (64%) of
Australians believe it is something we all must do*
The truth is though, is that it can feel complicated. There is clearly still some confusion around what does and what doesn’t belong in your household recycling bin with 88% of Aussies putting common household items in the wrong bin*.
It doesn’t have to be complicated though!
Here are some of my top tips on how you can start to recycle like a pro.
Tip 1: Check it before you chuck it! Look out for the Australasian Recycling Label
Not sure if something can be recycled? Check the back of the pack for the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL).
The ARL offers easy to understand recycling information to help you know which bin to recycle in and any
other special instructions such as scrunching, rinsing, or flattening to make sure it is recycled properly.
If you are recycling soft plastics such as Allen’s lolly packets, be sure to look out for the ‘Store drop off’ or
‘Return to store’ instructions on the ARL, so you know your soft plastics can be recycled but only if they are
returned to a REDcycle collection point, found at most local supermarkets.
Tip 2: Separate your rubbish
Set up separate recycling bins across the house so that it’s easier for yourself and your family to recycle.
These could be clear tubs, or split bins – whatever you prefer. The idea is to make it as easy as possible for everyone to recycle to prevent items from just being thrown in the trash bin.
Tip 3: Organise your pantry like a pro
Set up your own recycling station in the pantry. I have three clear tubs on the floor of my pantry. One for my household recycling bin, which is collected every fortnight and another for REDcycle which is where I store my soft plastics.
REDcycle items can be taken to your local Coles, Woolworths or any participating supermarkets that have REDcycle bins.
The final tub is used to collect cans and bottles which are then taken to our nearest Containers for Change refund point.
Tip 4: If in doubt chuck it out
There are sometimes cases where you just don’t know if the item is recyclable, and that is ok. If you are ever in doubt, it is actually better to just chuck it out! This helps to keep the recycling stream clean.
Follow these simple tips and before you know it, you’ll be a recycling pro!
*Research was conducted by Antenna on behalf of Nestlé from 13th to 17th October. 1,021 Australians nationally representative on age, gender, and location were surveyed.